HTML5 Tutorials For Beginners Urdu / Hindi Part 10 Unordered List In HTML5 Hindi / Urdu Tutorials HTML5 Tutorials For Beginners Urdu / Hindi Part 12 Definition List In HTML5 Hindi / Urdu Tutorials HTML5 List Lists are useful for breaking complex thoughts into easy to understand parts. Three kinds of lists are supported by HTML5: Ordered List Unordered List Definition List Creating and Ordered List Opening tag "Ol" The ordered list tag has two commonly used attributes: Type A----uppercase alphabet (A,B,C,...) a----lowercase alphabet (a,b,c,...) I----uppercase roman numerals (I,II,III,...) i----lowercase roman numerals(i,ii,iii,...) Start attribute allows you to start your list from any number you want. Creating an Unordered List Opening tag "ul" Type attribute are: Disc----the traditional bullet= Round----an open bullet Square----a filled square n The Closing unordered list tag is "ul" and is required. Definition Lists Opening Tag is "dl" To indicate to the browser the word or term are defining, place the opening defined term tag, "dt" before the word or term and the closing defined term tags "dt" after. To signal to the browser that you are defining the term, place the definition tag "dd" after. Definition List Tags "dl" .... "dl" The opening and closing definition list tag mark the beginning and Surround the word or phrase to be defined with the opening and closing defined term tags. "dd" Nesting Lists You may insert one type of list inside another, like you would need in and outline.
Definition List In HTML5 Hindi / Urdu Tutorials HTML5 Tutorials For Beginners Urdu / Hindi Part 12
Reviewed by pakforce66
September 09, 2019

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