HTML5 Tutorials For Beginners Urdu / Hindi Part 8 Web Development Course In Urdu / Hindi Tables Tag In HTML In HTML, a table is data arranged in a grid. Each box where your put an image or text is called a cell. Preformatted Tables Preformatted Tables are easy to create and load very quickly. However, you are limited to only standard word processing characters for cell contents and borders. Graphical Tables
are more complicated to set up, but more commonly seen on the web HTML allows more control over their appearance and cell contents. Creating Preformatted Tables If you can remember how to make tables on a typewriter, you are well on your way to understanding how to create a preformatted table. Start off your preformatted table with the opening preformatted text tag, The pre tag will tell the browser to retain the appearance of everything in the HTML file between it and its closing tag, .The preformatted text tag forces the browser to read multiple spaces and returns which it otherwise would ignore. Graphical Tables
Most tables on the web are graphical tables, or tables that are displayed using rules and bars to separate the table's cells. The first tag you must use when creating a graphical table is the opening table tag, This tag tells the browser that the next commands are part the table.
HTML5 Tutorials For Beginners Urdu / Hindi Part 8 Web Development Course In Urdu / Hindi
Reviewed by pakforce66
September 09, 2019

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